Once Upon A Sparkle

Not all items can be guaranteed to be the same in the next shipment. If you see something you like please place an order to avoid disappointment. Orders can be paid for by Paypal at email: onceuponasparkle53@gmail.com

Place your orders on facebook, email or text the mobile 0414658123.
Just leave a short message, your name, contact details.
We will contact you.
Please be advised that Once Upon A Sparkle does not deliver.
Items purchased can be picked up after arranging a day & time which must be kept within 10mins either side of set appointment.
Payment on pick up.
Other option is to have items posted which will mean postage is paid by the purchaser on top of cost of items bought.
Thank you to all who have enquired.

Once Upon A Sparkle is an online page where you can purchase items that sparkle.
We will be adding different items regularly and any suggestions you have would be welcomed.
We also have a web site at onceuponasparkle.com.au.
The web site allows for payment by Paypal and credit card.
If you do not have Paypal there is an option for the credit card payment.
Items can also be paid for via EFT. These payments must be seen in the bank before items are collected or posted.

Local business